Ultimate Toxic Bullets: Shots inflict Toxic.Ruler of Leeches: Killing shots increase Weapon Leech for a duration.Deadly Disturbance: Critical shots activate an unstable Anomaly effect causing the enemy to explode, dealing damage to others within range.Anomaly Enhancement: Receive a passive Firepower boost based on your Anomaly power.Claymore Torrent: Shots damage enemies within a certain radius with Anomaly blades, dealing damage.Stacks for five kills and diminishes with time. Killing Spree: Killing shots increase damage by a certain percent for a set duration.Outriders Legendary double guns Amber Vault Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable.

Ultimate Damage Link: Shots link enemies, sharing a percentage of weapon damage dealt and a percentage of their Anomaly damage dealt.Gravedigger’s Frenzy: Critical shots increase your Critical damage.Ultimate Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow.Striga: A percent of critical damage is returned as health.Ultimate Storm Whip: Shots bring down lightning.Perpetuum Mobile: Instantly replenish your magazine if you kill an enemy with less than a certain percent of ammo in your magazine.Dome of Protection: Killing shots summon a bullet-stopping dome.Brain-Eater: Critical shots don’t consume ammo.Wrath of Moloch: Critical hits cause an explosion, dealing damage and inflicting Burn.Sandstorm: Shots conjure a sandstorm and deal damage over time.Improved Vulnerability Bullets: Shots inflict Vulnerable.Ultimate Freezing Bullets: Shots inflict Freeze.Outriders Legendary assault rifles Absolute Zero Death Chains: Shots entangle an enemy with chains, dealing damage over time.Ultimate Weakening Bullets: Shots inflict Weakness.Kinetic Stomp: Shots create a seismic shock, dealing damage in a radius.Improved Stiffening: Shots inflict Slow.When destroyed, the singularity explodes, dealing damage within a certain radius. Singularity: Killing shots create an Anomaly singularity.Outriders Legendary light machine guns Grim Marrow Increasing the difficultly will make them spawn more frequently, but you’ll still be farming Expeditions and grinding through mobs if you’re hoping to find them all. In short, Legendary weapons are random drops. Your World Tier and Challenge Tier play a big role in how frequently Legendary weapons drop - cranking the difficulty up as high as you can is the best way to reliably find Legendary gear, although be prepared for a challenge. Tiago will also sell weapons at your base, but you’ll need to be at least Level 45 before he starts offering them. Legendary weapons will periodically drop while you are opening chests, finishing quests, slaying enemies, or defeating any one of Outriders‘ particularly difficult bosses. How to find Legendary weapons in Outriders Everything we know about Outriders cross-platform support.Outriders review: Thrilling action makes up for a flat sci-fi story.